Sun Xueling on LinkedIn: As working parents, we are almost constantly worried that we are not… (2025)

Sun Xueling

Singapore’s Minister Of State, Ministry of Home Affairs and Social and Family Development, Member of Parliament for Punggol West SMC

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As working parents, we are almost constantly worried that we are not spending enough time with our children or being sensitive enough caregivers.Let’s listen to Dr. Cheryl Seah, Director of the Centre for Evidence and Implementation, as she shares tips on how we can best create quality time with our children.Suncare SGCHILD (Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development)



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Wow, thanks for that. It, it sounds like a sensitive caregiver has to be really quite sensitive and to pick up cues and understand the patterns of their child's behavior. Because I guess some children may, I think they behave differently from one another. And how one child behaves when he or she is tired may be different from how another child behaves when he or she is tired. And the relevant caregiver might really have to know how to recognize the patterns of their. Those behavior and that might mean that the caregiver might need to spend quite a fair bit of time in order to understand those cues. Now I I know that many Singaporean parents sometimes might feel stressed. They might feel that they are a bit tight on time. What advice would you give to Singaporean parents who might feel that they really do want to be sensitive caregivers, but they might be time strapped or resource constrained? Yeah, that's a really good question. I think we encountered it every day of our lives. If we think about our parents, you know, we have full time working parents. Ohh, we have busy parents and now we have increased screen time. We've got Netflix and we've got many things on our plate as well. And when we think about being a responsive caregiver is taking the time to check in, taking the time to observe. And if we are not mindful about that, we we tend to. So I think. Even when we are strapped for time while walking our children home, while taking them out of the bus or walking from the MRT station, while changing their clothes and putting them to bed or during meal time. Those are pockets of time that we can spend with children and start to think about where my children are communicating and saying to me. When are pockets of time that I could engage? And bond with my children with telling them a story about what just happened, asking them, whoa, what did that make you feel when your friends say that to you? So those are pockets of time that we can still respond. We can still build up that connection with our children even during our busy time. And just that pockets of time when we're doing things, helping our children with some of the routine. I think a lot of parents especially like it when they're. Hacking the bag for tomorrow when they're filling out the water bottle, those are pockets of time that we can spend with our children in a very responsive way as well. So really good quality time in that way.

Adeline Tiah 謝善嫻

Helping Leaders Build Better Team Engagement |Leadership Coach | Speaker | Startup Advisor | Author: REINVENT 4.0


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Being a working parent can be really tough, especially when we worry about not spending enough time with our kids. Dr. Cheryl Seah offers some great advice on how we can make the most of the time we have together. It’s not always about the quantity of time, but the quality – being present and engaged when we are with them. I have been there and providing a safety net for my son when he failed. And am incredibly proud of how far he has come. Thanks for sharing Sun Xueling

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Syed Abdillahhady Al- hady (HUBBY)

The Miracles Entertainment Enterprise


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Karman Loke

The University of Western Ontario - Richard Ivey School of Business


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Ganesh Dakshinamoorthy


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Interesting and very helpful . Thank you

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Jean Liu 传瑾

Behavioral science researcher | Former Yale-NUS prof and WHO consultant | Occasional Op-Ed writer & children's book author


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Love the advice, Cheryl Seah! 💕

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Sun Xueling on LinkedIn: As working parents, we are almost constantly worried that we are not… (2025)


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